Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's a Wham Christmas!

Okay, I just have to link to this. I know it was featured on the Glee Christmas episode, but this time Rachel and Finn just don't do it for me.

And come on, don't tell me I'm the only person who sincerely thought she had a chance with George Michael...


  1. This is one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs.

    Hey, I'd have been content with someone who looked like George Michael! :)

  2. I had a major crush on George Michael in 1982.

    Just yesterday, I was driving a very long drive to St. George for work and listening to Joe's Ipod. He has a playlist called 1975. I was driving alone in the car signing to America, Elton John etc.. .And then WHAM! it's Wham Rap. Not sure how it warped into 1975, but it was fun to hear. I played it a few times.
